Child looking outside window
Published on 19th October 2017

Cutting out condensation and mould: How best to ventilate and heat your home

As autumn falls upon us, now’s a good time to take look at our guide on condensation and mould growth. You’ll find details on the causes of these common property issues, alongside some straightforward cures.

In most cases, the solution for misty windows is ventilating and heating your home properly. Condensation occurs when water vapour in the air turns to liquid (condenses) on a cold surface. Besides windows, water droplets are also typically found on walls, tiles, concrete floors and the exterior of toilet cisterns. Gateway’s property guide explains why condensation happens and, as a consequence of condensation, mould grows. You’ll also find a range of practical solutions, from opening the windows during ironing to keeping lids of pans when cooking and making sure you run the heating for at least a three-hour block at a time.

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